Monday, March 12, 2012

Sometimes you just can't seem to make it work

I'm going to school you all real quick

Never Ever, ever, ever, everevereverever try to make something new when you are PMSing, because if something goes wrong (which it probably will, even though looking back on it, you'll find it really WASN'T that big of a deal), you might have a melt down.  (True Story).

So here's how it went down:

Matt and I had been having a GREAT day off together!  It doesn't happen that often (days off together) and the weather was beautiful!  We went shooting, then we took the dogs to the park and let them run around, then we went for a motorcycle ride!  We finally ended up at walmart to pick up some fish for the piccata.  Of course the ONLY fish that wasn't from china was the crappy whiting fillets, but I bought them anyway, as I was SUPER exicted about the piccata!

(Can't you see how good of a day we had been having?!  Look at all the capital letters and exclamation points!) (!)

So We get home, and I go to defrost the fish, and they are LITERALLY like bite size fillets. But not to worry, I would make it workTHEN(this is where my meltdown started)  I flipped the fillets over and realized that they still had the skin. Eww Gross! GRR. But not to worry, I would make it workUNTIL I couldn't get the skin cut off without gouging chuncks out of the fillets.


I just threw the fish away, and decided I'd defrost the chicken and make Chicken Piccata instead.  Not to worry, I would make it work.   Well the chicken was frozen solid, and was taking TOO long to defrost.

I just threw all of ingredients BACK into the fridge, cried on the kitchen floor, and ordered a pizza.  I was walking out the door, when TheHubby caught me and asked where I was off to, and I told him, and he laughed (simpathetically) and drove me to pick it up.  All the while appologizing for being an emotional cripple.

Moral of the story, when you're PMSing, sometimes you just can't seem to make it work
Today I will make CHICKEN Piccata ( I have learned my lesson)

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