Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Rice Cooker

Moment of Truth:

Abigail (aka: Momma)  (I hope you read this) because this is a national/international (thanks to my Russian, German, and Canadian readers!) appology, and a statement that you were right, and I was wrong.

There:  I said it

Imagine a time when TheHubby and I were planning a wedding and putting our registry together.  We have lived on our own prior to moving in, therefore we had 2 entire sets...of everything.  2 sets of dishes, 2 sets of pots and pans, 2 sets of towels (lets be honest, you need as many of those as you can get)et ceteraet ceteraet cetera.
So our registry was a little thin.  I put some bake ware, sheets, towels on there, but we didn't need any of the big ticket items.  We had a keurig and a blender, so we didn't need those either!
Momma said: You should register for a rice cooker!
I said: Nah, I don't want one,  we just use the quick boil rice anyways
Momma:  No, You'll really want one, and the are so handy!
Me: No, I don't think I'd use it
Momma: Trust me you will!
Me: no!

It went on like this through the wedding and even at Christmas she asked me the SAME thing!  We pretty much had that conversation on and off for the past 8 months.

Well.Here it is:  I broke down and bought a rice cooker.  AND IT'S AMAZING!!!!
Best Invention EVER!!!

I have used it so much, we actually ran OUT of rice.  I mean, who runs out of rice?  This girl, that's who.

So, Momma,  If you are reading this:


There, I said it.

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