All About Kate

Pediatric Oncology Nurse, Bookworm, Food Junkie, Diet Coke Addict *Recovering, and Not-So-Newlywed are just a few adjectives to describe me.

After graduating college, I moved out of my parents house and into an apartment 3 hours away to start my new job. Absolutely THE best and THE scariest decision of my life.  

If I hadn't moved to Cincinnati, I would have never met my wonderful friends/work family, nor would I have met my husband.

We met on <<Insert shameless plug for here>>  and we have been near inseparable since.  He is my best friend and my better half.

We have family all over, and go to visit them as often as we can, which isn't very often, as we are working a combined 100 hours/week.  It makes for a crazy, but beautiful life.

We're just loving and laughing and busting our asses, and we call it all living the dream.

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