Saturday, March 24, 2012

Paprika Chicken with Egg Noodles

All Right!  Last, but certainly not least.  Paprika Chicken, take two.
So the recipe I had originally printed out wasn't the complete recipe, so I claimed a do-over and decided that I would do it right this time.  And I MUST say, this new recipe looks tons better than the old one!

It's hard to believe that I am finished (finally) with 7 Days Of Rachael Ray.  It took FOREVER!  Haha, probably b/c we eat left overs a bunch, and on days that we work, it is hard to squeeze in cooking. Especially at the end of a 13 hour day.

But Here it is!

The Crew

Start off by boiling water in a big pot, adding salt, and tossing the noodles in. 
Cook to Al Dente

While the noodles are cooking heat a large skillet with 2 tbsp olive oil (I used my wok) 
Season the chicken with Salt and pepper and sear until golden (about 5 minutes). Then remove from the pan, and reserve.

(A tip to get the garlic out of the skin is to hold it under the flat side of the knife, and hit it with your hand)
Add the onion, bell pepper and garlic to the pan, and cook until they have softened (if the pan seems dry, you can add more oil)

Season the veggies with salt and pepper and return the chicken to the pan.

Add the paprika and stock to the pan, and bring it up to a bubble and simmer until the chicken has cooked through. (I would probably use less stock next time, as it was a super thin sauce.  I thought the sour cream would thicken it up, but it didn't that much)

Remove the pan from the heat, and stir in the sour cream.

Once the noodles are cooked, drain them, then toss with butter, dill and chives.

Serve the chicken sauce over the noodles

And There You Have It!

There were two different views of this dish in our house last night

The right one: mainly mine ;-)  It was delicious!  It was so easy to make, especially with the prepping the veggies and chicken ahead!  It was perfect comfort food.

The wrong one (obviously TheHubby ;-]  ):  it was fine, but I don't want it again.

Hahaha.  That's Ok.  I'll just add it to the list of recipes I only make small portions of. 

I had the leftovers for lunch the next day, and I thought they were even better,  plus the noodles absorbed alot of the sauce, so it had a more intense flavor

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