Sunday, July 31, 2011

You're Full of Crafts

Here are some links that I have received inspiration from.

And, Gasp, Some projects that I have actually finished!

Mason Jar Bathroom Organizer

Picture Frame Jewelry Holder

Picture Frame Christmas Wreath

TheHubby's Quilt (Still working on it)

Flower and Herb Garden

One of my favorite Blogs is One Good Thing by Jillee  she has lots of neat how-to's.  It is more around-the house, rather that crafts, but it has a lot of "make-your-own".  Which I love, and have actually done quite a few of

Another I follow is Do It Yourself Divas.  The Name Says it all: Do It Yourself.  From making your own furniture to clothing, these Divas do it all

Fancy Frugal Life, another blog that has many great DIY crafts on a budget! (Which is fantastic, since crafting can get expensive)

The Painted Hive has decorating tips and diy crafts for decorating your Hive

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