Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Smokey Glazed Maple Salmon

 Oh fish,
thou heartless creature,
my eternal enemy,
how you have reared your side-eyed, squish-mouthed head again. 
I hoped we would never encounter one another again in my kitchen,
but alas, we meet again.

If you can't tell by the above prose, I don't LOVE cooking fish...and here is why.  Imagine a time, not so very long ago, when TheHubby and I were first dating. (about 13 months ago, so really not so long ago)  I thought I would impress him with my mad cooking abilities by making lemon-pepper, pan seared Tilapia(It was a great thought)  However...

A report had just come out saying that the fish that comes from China is tainted with lead, mercury, and bacteria, due to their farming techniques. And, to top it all off, it had been making people sick.  MyThenBeau's father was just telling him this the day before
So, unknowingly, I scamper to the store, to buy some fresh fish, which is probably from China, to make my new beau a delicious (if poisonous) dinner.

Like a good boyfriend, he ate it with a smile on his face.


He did end up throwing up, and I felt/feel bad
The thing was: He never told me!  I found out when his dad made a comment about it, the first time I went to meet him!  And I turned to him and said:  WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT THAT REPORT?!?!?!  YOU JUST SAT THERE AND ATE IT!!!

He shrugged as guys are wont to do and said: I didn't want you to be upset.

That was the first of many food-related lies that he would come to tell.  Ok, not lies, really, fibs or omissions rather, but we have come to an understanding, and all is great now! :-D

But back to the point.   TheHubby is Catholic, and it is Lent.  I am not, so I am not used to no-meat on Friday (except for fish).

So here we are. 

Needless to say, I learned my lesson, and spent nearly 30 minutes in the frozen fish aisle at the grocery, looking for fish not from China, and let me tell you something, the Chinese must have a monopoly on the fish market!  I FINALLY found fish from Equador and Chile, and I conferred with TheHubby, and he said both of those should be fine. <<Phew>>

I am feeling a bit confident about this recipe, as TheHubby LOVES salmon.  And, who DOESN'T love maple syrup?!  (That was a rhetorical question, as I'm sure SOMEONE doesn't love it.) (Weirdo) (j/k, if that's you)

I now present:

Smokey Glazed Maple Salmon

The crew

First prepare the rice, according to the package (easy enough)
When it's done the recipe says to fluff it and mix in the watercress leaves

I am not going to add watercress.  I'm sure that it would add a good flavor, but I feel as if I am eating grass.

Turn the broiler on

Once the rice has been cooking for about 5 minutes, add some olive oil to the pan add the carrots, season with salt and pepper (the salt helps make the carrots tender) and saute until tender


In a small pot, bring the liquid smoke, syrup and vinegar to a boil and reduce over high heat.
Remove from heat.

Season the salmon with salt, pepper, and Old Bay Seasoning.

Heat olive oil in a large, oven safe, non-stick, skillet and cook salmon top down for 3-4 minutes.

Flip, and pour the maple syrup glaze over the top of the fish

Place it in the oven under the broiler for 3 minutes to caramelize the glaze.

Add the peas to the carrots (while the fish is under the broiler)

Add the butter and chives to the veggies, and when the butter has melted, turn off the heat.

And There You Have It!

My new Ode to Fish:

Fish, I Think You're Fine
You Don't Intimidate Me
Very Much, That is.

Short Sweet and To The Point.

Orginal recipe can be found here

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