Saturday, November 19, 2011

It's the Most Wonderful Time....of November!

I am SOOO Excited!!!  Thanksgiving is fast approaching!!! AND I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!  (as you can probably tell by my excessive use of caps lock)

It is mine and Matt's first Thanksgiving together (not only as a married couple, but our first together period) (Yea we haven't even know each other for a year. Eek!  LOL)

Our mothers are coming over to our place for some yummy fall goodness!  Growing up, none of my family really liked turkey, so we always had INCREDIBLE ham that Pawpaw cooked, so my mom is bringing that.  And Matt's family being more traditional, always had turkey, so his mom is bringing that.

Matt and I are in charge of side dishes!  Probably more time consuming, but ultimately easier and less stress than the main course.   Haha.

So our menu will include: Deviled Eggs, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Broccoli Casserole, Green Beans, Stuffing of some sort, and some sort of Sweet Potato goodness.

I am currently watching the food network non-stop to try to find a unique stuffing recipe and sweet potato recipe.  Luckily Paula Dean is coming up, and she will FOR SURE! have some type of Sweet Potato Goodness!

And! I promise to document all of my Thanksgiving antics in great detail!

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