Sunday, November 20, 2011

Crispy Cheesy Chicken

And, I had another homerun, in my continueing food odyssey!

Crispy Cheesy Chicken.

I'll admit, Matt looked a little sceptical as I was preparing this dish, but was waiting anxiously for it to come out of the over.  It is super easy to prepare, and with the most time-consuming thing being the cook time, it would be a snap if you didn't want to do too much prep work when you got home from work.

Here are the ingredients: Milk, Sour Cream, Ritz Crackers (or Zips from Kroger), butter, parsley, cream of chicken soup, cheese, and of course Chicken.

I usually keep chicken in the freezer, so I just defrosted it (which took way longer than anything else!)
Then I cut each chicken breast into 3 strips (for quicker cooking)

Next pour 1/2 cup milk into a pan (I used old Rusty Bucket tupperware) (Which, incidentally, is one of my favorite restaurants, as they have INCREDIBLE ranch dressing!!) (Yes, that was a shameless plug)

Then pour some cheddar cheese into another pan (I used a tupperware lid) (also, the recipe called for grated cheese, I just used shredded, but grated would definitely work better)

Then put one sleeve of the crackers into a food processor and crush up (I left them pretty coarse, which I liked) And put them also in another pan (I forgot to take before pics, so this is midway through, so you see some cheese in there, but there should only be bread crumbs.)

Next, dip the chicken into the milk (please ignore my hand, I'm not quite sure why it looks so veiny)

Then into the cheese (You can see that the shredded cheese didn't stick too well, which is probably why the recipe called for grated...[maybe if I had completely read the recipe...]) (Once again, ignore my super wrinkly hand)

Then into the crackers (Ahh, There we go, my hand looks normal! :-D  )

Then put them into a greased pan (I found that a casserole pan works great)

Then sprinkle some parsley on top of it (I couldn't really taste it, but I've had the jar of parsley for a bit, but it looked fancy)

Then cover the pan with tinfoil (meanwhile, please ignore my Quasimodo hand) and bake in 400 deg. oven for 35 minutes.

While the chicken is in the oven, put 1 can of cream of chicken soup, 2 tbsp sour cream, and 2 tbsp butter into small saucepan, and heat until butter melts and it is warm (about 10-15 minutes)

After the chicken has been in the oven for the 35 minutes, remove the tinfoil and cook for an additional 10 minutes (I forgot a pic at this stage, we were in the middle of Big Bang Theory)

Once the chicken has cooked, remove from oven

And serve!
(Steam Bags of Green Beans are a staple at our house, they are easy!)

For a printable version of this recipe, click here!!
The original Recipe can be found here

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