Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My Deepest Apologies

Since it is "Facebook Official"  I feel I owe you an apology for not blogging more

TheHubby and I recently found out that we are pregnant!  And, we are so excited!

However, Morning Sickness (and by morning, I really mean: morning-noon-night-and-all-times-in-between sickness) has not been kind to me.  The mere thought of food sends my stomach into a middle-of-the-ocean-free-fall-on-a-rollercoaster churn.

I also owe TheHubby an apology:  I have pretty much made him fend for himself for the past month.  :-(

But I promise, as soon as I can get this under control, I have the next 4 pioneerwoman recipes all picked out!  I just have to be able to look at food for longer than 12 minutes.

UPDATE:  I wrote this last week, and later that week I went to the dr, and got an Rx for Zofran:

So,  I have 2 recipes down, and two to go.

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