Sunday, May 13, 2012

Did you make cookies?!

The words TheHubby excitedly spoke as he walked through the door for a quick lunch before running back to the salt mines.

I hung my head in shame.

Let me take you back a few hours earlier when I awoke from a restless night's sleep.

The dogs were whining, the sun was shining through the blinds at just the perfect angle to hit my eyes no matter which way I turned, and I had a headache.  What a great way to start the day.

What would turn this day around was a biscuit!  Uuuuuuunnnfortunately I live a horrendous 3 hours away from the best biscuit place in the world.  Plus we are north of the mason-dixon, so there are zero Bojangles. 

What's the next best thing?!

Homemade Buttermilk Biscuits via ThePioneerWoman

I looked up the recipe:  That seems easy enough!  I can totally do that!

UUuuuuuuunnnnfortunately something happened...

Maybe I didn't mix the ingredients well enough...

Maybe I rolled out the dough too much...

Maybe I just don't have the gene that bestows the ability to make buttermilk biscuits (and there IS a gene, don't ya kno!)

I'm almost embarrassed to show this picture.

Please don't judge me for this

Ok. Here we go


But, on the bright side, they tasted delicious!  Just like buttermilk biscuits should

So, Matt comes home from work, and excitedly asks:  DID YOU MAKE COOKIES?!?!

I said (just as excitedly): No! They're biscuits!

And He said: Aww baby. 

But I guess he liked them, as he ate about 6 of them.

I'm not even going to bother posting this until I figure out what went, oh so horribly, wrong

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