Monday, April 23, 2012

Sweet Lime Chicken with Mexican Rice

This recipe comes from The Pioneer Woman's second book: Food From My Frontier.
The official recipe is Tequila Lime Chicken, but as we didn't have any tequila on hand, I just added some sugar instead.  Not a lot, just enough to give a hint of sweetness to the marinade.  This went great with Mexican Rice and some refried beans!
This was super easy to make, and the chicken didn't taste too Mexican-y, so you could pair it with just about anything. 
Without further ado:

Sweet Lime Chicken with Mexican Rice
<<Fanfare plays in the background>>

The Crew (Imagine a package of chicken) I have realized that I'm not very good about putting all my ingredients in the picture (probably because I have a hard time reading directions all the way through)

Cut the limes in half (obviously)

Squeeze the juice from the limes into a food processor

Add the garlic

And the red pepper flakes

And the cilantro

Add some olive oil (and I added just a spoonful of sugar, or you would add the tequila)

Blend until combined

Throw the chicken in with the marinade.  Let it marinate for at least 2 hrs, but up to overnight

Grill the chicken!

And there you have Tequila/Sweet Lime Chicken! 

Now onto the Mexican rice!  I did my rice a little differently, as the brown rice takes about an hour to cook, I just threw the rice into my rice cooker and let it go.

The Crew (I think I included everything this time!)

Chop up the garlic

And the onion

Add some oil to a big pan (I Used a wok) 
Cook the onion and garlic until soft

Add the whole tomatoes and the tomatoes with chiles

Add the rice, and let it simmer for about 10-ish minutes so that the flavors can mingle.  (If it gets too dry, you can add 1/2 C of more water at a time)

And there you have it!  Tequila Lime Chicken and Mexican Rice

It was Delicious!  
Just a heads up,  the tomatoes with chiles add quite a bit of heat, and the rice recipe makes about 8-10 servings as opposed to 6.  That turned out to be quite a surprise!

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