Thursday, March 29, 2012

Bourbon Chicken

And now for the recipe that TheHubby has been requesting for the past week:

Bourbon Chicken!

He happened to see a copy of this in my work bag, and he started requesting it immediately.  I kept saying; Hold on, I'm not finished, we have other recipes to do.

His patience was rewarded greatly by this recipe. 

This recipe was beyond simple to make!  I mean, like throw everything together after running my patootie off at work and it will be ready in no time flat!  Super delicious, scrumptious, divine.  Ok. That's enough. 

The Crew

Slice the chicken into bite size pieces, season with salt and pepper

Heat some oil in a pan an add the chicken. Cook until it has a nice sear on it. Pour out the juice that has accumulated on the bottom of the pan.

Combine the rest of the ingredients in a bowl, and whisk together until corn starch is dissolved.

Add this mixture to the chicken, bring to a bubble, reduce heat and let simmer until chicken is done.

And There you have it!

I served this with brown rice and it was delish!


Oh Bourbon Chicken,
the prep is a cinch, it's true
Incredible, yes

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