Friday, March 9, 2012

10 minute warning


All day at work yesterday, I had every intention of going home and cooking a nice fish piccata for dinner. 


All of a sudden at about 615, I became ravenous, like seriously.   I was like a bear, coming out of hibernation: sleepy, cold, irritated, and hungry.

Now,  There are two things that can reduce me to a savage, quicker than all get out.

1. Being cold (especially my feet)(You can ask TheHubby)

2. Being Hungry.  I get cranky.  REAL Cranky.  Meaner that a wet hen cranky.  (TheHubby also gets this phenomenon known as "Hangry")

So, I called TheHubby and told him that I had my 10 minute warning, and I didn't want to cook.  So he ordered pizza for us.  Because he's good to me, like that.

I know shameful.

But since I had to be back at work today, I don't feel TOO bad.

But tonight:  I PROMISE (!) that I will cook that tasty (hopefully) fish piccata

Hangry: adj. The combination of Hungry and Angry.  Achieved when one is ravenous, and ready to gnaw an arm off

10 Minute Warning: n. The amount of time in which sustinance of some sort needs to be consumed in order to avert a complete meltdown

Example: TheHubby and I have an agreement in which we give each other 10 minute warnings, so we don't get hangry.  (true story)

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