We broke down and bought a cast iron pizza stone. I mean, it was Lodge Cast Iron, On clearance! How could we not?!
I mean seriously!
So, anxious to bust out a pizza later that week, I ran to the grocery to pick up ingredients, because we were starving, and didn't have time to make our own crust

But next time, with some fore thought, I will make the crust (in an effort to reduce our grocery bill)
So I get home, and stretch out the crust (which I thought was ok at the time...looking at the picture...clearly it wasn't)
Then I let TheHubby put the toppings on (we are lame: Pepperoni and Cheese) while I clean up the kitchen, feed the puppies, snuggle with TheIttyBitty, etc
When I look back over I see a MOUND of toppings. He had layered cheese and pepperoni like FIFTEEN times. Ok more like four, but still...
I laughed, and was glad I picked up extra cheese at the store. Lest we run out.
We popped it in the oven (according to the directions on the crust) and a short 15 minutes later, we had this masterpiece!
You can almost see the convex shapr of the pile of toppings in the picture!
But it was potentially the MOST DELICIOUS pizza I have ever had, in my entire life!
The crust crisped up nicely with the cast iron. (Which is perfect for when you have a pound of cheese and a pound of pepperoni to support) Next time, I'll put a sprinkly of corn meal on the bottom of the crust (I've heard that give it a nice crispy outside)
We can't wait for our next pizza!
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