Friday, May 4, 2012

Simple Chili

TheHubby and I have VERY different ideas of what chili is.  
Having grown up in Cincinnati, home of Skyline Chili, he considers chili to be a sauce (without beans) to be put atop spaghetti and tiny hotdogs (coneys)
Having NOT grown up in Cincinnati, I consider the a-fore-mentioned chili to be a meat sauce, and (while this might make me disliked) would rather starve (actually TO DEATH) than eat skyline (more than once or twice a year) (please don't be mad if you read this Hubby!)
On a side note,  Stewarts Hotdogs in WV has THE BEST meat sauce, (Insert Shameless plug here)
 Chili, I mean *real* chili, to be something with beans and veggies, you eat on a brisk fall day while tailgating.  

This is a "discussion" that TheHubby and I have on a semi-regular basis.  So, in an effort to school him on the finer points of chili, I found a recipe from ThePioneerWoman, that sounded AMAZING!

I now present:

Simple Chili

The Crew (The Masa/Maseca can be found in the international section of the grocery)

Measure out the spices

Chop up the garlic

Add the garlic and ground beef to a large stock pot

Cook until brown and crumbly

Add the Tomato Sauce

And the Spices
Mix up and cook for about an hour

Mix the Masa with enough water to make a paste
Add it to the chili.
(Add more masa to make it thicker, and more water to make it thinner, until you get the consistency you want)

At this point add the the beans and any other veggies you want

Simmer for about 10-15 minutes

There You Have It!

FYI:  The Diced Salsa Ready, Fire Roasted Tomatoes were SUPER spicy!  It was almost too spicy for me, and that is saying something

While this dinner was Hubby Approved, it did not settle our...discussion...

I was unable to find a link to the recipe, but it is on Page 82 in Recipes from an Accidental Country Girl

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