Hi, I'm Kate, and I have a serious problem changing up recipes, when I supposed to be blogging about said recipes
(Hi Kate) (that's what you're supposed to say)
So ONCE again, I've changed it....
But I've only left out two ingredients, because I didn't have them (imagine I said that in a whiney, self-justifying voice)
Let's get down to business
(To defeat the huns) (Anyone?)
Firstly The crew
Next, Get those shells cooking! (The recipe calls for them cooking about half the time, but the box said 14 minutes, so I cooked them for 7 and they were EXTREMELY al dente, next time I would go for about 10 minutes) once they are JUST al dente, drain and rinse with cool water. Set aside to drain
Add the tomatoes and let it heat up (Now this is where I changed it up. It called for italian sausage and red wine, and I just omitted that) (I know...I can't believe that I didn't have red wine either, but it's true) (I'm still lamenting that fact...)
It smelled so good at this point, I had an audience
It smelled so good at this point, I had an audience
Give it a good stir.
Stuff the shells, and place them face down on the sauce
Bake at 350 for 25 mintues (or until it is bubbling)
This is always a good idea to make, but harder than one might think to execute.
This is the second time I have attempted stuffed shells. The first time the shells were over cooked, and this time they were under cooked. On the plus side, the flavor was good both times. (that said in a pleading voice)
TheHubby said: They tasted really good. The stuffing was a little bland, but had a good flavor. But the shells...some were cooked...and others....weeelllll.... ... ... ...
HAHA. I do so appreciate the honesty! (No Really, I do!!)
Printable Version Here
Original Version From ThePioneerWoman as is found in The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Food from My Frontier by Drummond, Ree [Hardc (Google Affiliate Ad)